miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2007

Weekends in Mexico

Weekend 1: see earlier blog entry with my and Heidi's pretty blue eyes ;)

Weekend 2: I arrived from Oaxaca early in the morning Saturday with the purpose of meeting up with Thomas and Teresa in the Zocalo for the small Guelaguetza that was to be held there (one of Oktavio's friends was supposed to sing!) But, the Guelaguetza was canceled and I never found T&T so instead I had a nice day solita: a walk through the park, cheap great breakfast (this amazing fusion tea) and finally the Frida Kahlo exhibit. I wish I could say I loved it. However, being toward the end of the exhibit, and a saturday: I spend hours (no exaggeration) in lines. To enter the building first --for my ticket, then exiting the building to wait in another line to...enter the building again--for the exhibit. Oh wait, for the first floor; for the bathroom, for the second floor, for the bathroom. The sala/room with the paintings: a line that streamed all the way around--a line for every painting. And I'm glad I went. It was a very nice exhibit. A nice day.

I arrived at the Aceve's house in time for Pepe's birthday party: a fun tres leches foto sequence to follow! The next morning Richard Wolf brought along a couple from New Zealand. Richard asked me to translate his sunday morning testimony for them--I was scared to death, my translation was literal --but they got it all :) A kind of benchmark, really. Hey, I do understand absolutely everything--sometimes.

That afternoon Richard dropped me off at the bus terminal and I had about a two and a half hour wait for a bus direct to Chiconcuac. This is the place of my impossible second encounter with the same Columbian, Diego...as if running into the same person twice in Mexico isn't impossible enough, Diego was arriving from Oaxaca just as I had the day before. This is a bus terminal were there are literally buses leaving every minute. Apparently: Impossible is nothing. (work cited: yes, i totally stole that phrase.)

Weekend 3: Patty arranged to met me at the same bus terminal. When we found each other, we both expressed our previous thought (in my case thoughts) that we might not actually find each other amongst the crazy crowd. Does that help to explain how unbelievable it was to run into Diego? Tacos, dropping my bag off at Patty's apartment, and then Patty took me to one of her favorite spots in Mexico: la plaza de Coyoacan, where there is a bazaar, that more than anything should be described as "hypie". Yes, this is one of those words in Mexico that is English with a Spanish pronunciation. It was fun to spend the evening with Patty. I saw some really neat art pieces that subsequently found their way onto my buy-in-the-future list, and listened to several different music artist street performers. And yes, you'll see in the fotos that the night ended in churros y chocolate.

Sunday we spend driving. Wait, Patty and I started out in a Taxi, then the metro, then Randy met us- to begin the long day of driving. 8 in the morning until 10 o'clock by the time I arrived back home in Chiconcuac. Sunday morning meeting, tacos, a siesta at Patty's, a quick stop at Chedraui's (where along with a tres leche pick-up...I found agrinafta herbs), gospel meeting, and a huge potluck (huge describing the amount of food more than the number of people :). Another weekend in Mexico.

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